By Marisa Hicks Log Cabin Democrat
The Guy-Perkins School District purchased a greenhouse for its elementary school thanks to a donation it received from Scenic Hill Solar.
Joe Fisher, the district’s superintendent, said Bill and Shanti Halter of Scenic Hill Solar gave the school a $5,000 donation during the dedication ceremony for the solar field their company installed at the school. The ceremony was held on Jan. 31, 2020.
The district purchased the greenhouse over the summer and has already put it to use.
Elementary Principal Tammy Murry said students participating in the school’s summer program began growing vegetables and that the greenhouse will be integrated into the school’s curriculum.
“Our students in summer camp focused one week on gardening. They have already started several vegetables,” she said. “Each grade will have a raised bed and be able to use the greenhouse. This will allow teachers to expand the science and social studies curriculum once the students are gardening.”
The elementary principal was unable to contain her excitement the day the greenhouse was delivered.
“I cant’ describe how excited I was when they delivered the new greenhouse,” she told the Log Cabin Democrat. “There may have been some jumping and squealing! I definitely did the happy dance. It is beautiful.”
The district administrators said they were thankful for the Halters’ donation.
“It was the gift that will keep on giving,” Murry said.